Why You Should Opt for a Fragrance Oil Over an Alcohol-Based Perfume

We know you love to smell great, but did you know that when you use alcohol-based perfumes the scent is offensive to others around you? You know the feeling of walking into a department store and having your senses assaulted by the harsh smell of dozens of perfumes. When you wear those perfumes and colognes, it’s very likely you’re causing those in your path to be turned off from the overwhelming odor.

While fragrance oils are (currently) less popular than spray-on alcohol-based perfumes, their popularity is rising quickly. Oils are more concentrated with less fillers, stick to your skin longer and don’t contain dehydrating chemicals.

When you spray on an alcohol-based perfume, do you know what chemicals your skin is absorbing? Perfumes and colognes are loaded with synthetic chemicals that have been linked to cancer, reproductive toxicity and allergies. With natural oils, you know everything that your skin is absorbing is safe and suitable for most skin types.

Dry skin has a hard time holding onto scent, so when you use fragrance oils your skin not only gets moisturized but the oils assist in helping retain the scent on the skin for longer. Oil-based fragrances are commonly known as “skin scents” since as your body temperature gradually increases, the oils and scents begin to grow stronger. You and only those close to you will experience the pleasant, natural aromas, not leaving a trail of odor behind you like traditional perfumes and colognes.

Take a look at how fragrance oils and alcohol-based perfumes stack up to each other. Which would you rather put on your skin? We think the choice is clear, it’s time to put down the cologne and perfume!

fragrance oil vs alcohol based perfume